Hi flexcoders,

Check out http://sandboxviolation.appspot.com/

Its a Q & A site in Flex aimed at flex and flash developers where
anybody can post questions / answers and vote other questions /
answers up or down. It supports syntax highlighting (of almost any
programming language) as you type in a question or answer, uses OpenID
for login and is hosted on Google App Engine. There's a reputation
system where an up vote increases and down vote decreases the
"reputation" points of the author.

On developing sandboxviolation -

If the community is interested, I'd definitely be interested in open
sourcing the code for the site so that the community can add features
and build on it. I built this site out of my love for Flex and would
like nothing more than this site helping the community in whatever
small way it can.

Do let me know what you guys think.

Anirudh Sasikumar

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