I am feeding data to a chart from an arraycollection. When I test it by using a literal to create the data object the chart works fine, but when I assemble the data piece by piece, the chart fails. A correction of my syntax would be great, and explanation even better!
I have tried creating an object, then using addItem to add it to simpleData, and I have tried using addItem directly in simpleData, and here I try it using a string- the result is, as you can see from the trace output, that it was added as an array, not an object.... at least thats what *I* see. ################################################# #################3 This works: #################### simpleData = new ArrayCollection([]); simpleData.addItem({name:"se2", inpps:2233, refresh:3000, outpps:7799, conns:2211, inbps:1144, inpkts:3322, outbps:2233, outpkts:4433, inbytes:4455, outbytes:5544, cps:6655}); trace("ServerPopUp:makeChart2 simpledata THAT WORKS: = " + ObjectUtil.toString(simpleData) ); ServerPopUp:makeChart2 simpledata THAT WORKS: = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#0 filterFunction = (null) length = 1 list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1 length = 1 source = (Array)#2 [0] (Object)#3 conns = 2211 cps = 6655 inbps = 1144 inbytes = 4455 inpkts = 3322 inpps = 2233 name = "se2" outbps = 2233 outbytes = 5544 outpkts = 4433 outpps = 7799 refresh = 3000 uid = "CBEA58EB-CF06-51A8-8887-B289C8E48C2A" sort = (null) source = (Array)#2 ################## This does not work: ################ simpleData = new ArrayCollection([]); var st:String = new String(); #left out the loops here for clarity # st += '{' + "name:" + '"' + statNode.name + '", ' ; # looped here through data # var elname:String = element.name(); var elvalue:Number = element.valueOf() ; st += elname + ":" + elvalue + ", " ; var newst:String = st.slice(0, st.length-2 ); ////cuts off last white space and comma newst += '}' ; simpleData.addItem( newst as Object ) ; trace("ServerPopUp:makeChart simpledata: = " + ObjectUtil.toString(simpleData) ); ServerPopUp:makeChart simpledata: = (mx.collections::ArrayCollection)#0 filterFunction = (null) length = 1 list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1 length = 1 source = (Array)#2 [0] "{name:"se2", inpps:2233, refresh:3000, outpps:7799, conns:2211, inbps:1144, inpkts:3322, outbps:2233, outpkts:4433, inbytes:4455, outbytes:5544, cps:6655}" uid = "9543B87D-14F5-0BC6-E2F0-B289C8EC32FC" sort = (null) source = (Array)#2 ##### thanks John