On 9-Jan-09, at 8:41 AM, dnk wrote:
> Ok, to add to this, I found a reference at:
> http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/digitalmedia/helpcenter/programmingflex3/chapter20.html?page=8
> And it gave me some clarification. But I am still having issues with
> the following error:
> Error: could not find source for class sgLib.components:Login.
> Now what I have done is shortened the command and created a  
> config.xml.
> [sgLib-config.xml]
> <flex-config>
> <compiler>
> <source-path>
> <path-element>/Users/me/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace/sgLib</
> path-element>
> </source-path>
> </compiler>
> <output>/Users/me/Desktop/sgLib.swc</output>
> <include-classes>
> <class>sgLib.components.Login</class>
> <class>sgLib.components.Upload</class>
> <class>sgLib.utils.Tracer</class>
> </include-classes>
> </flex-config>
> [command]
> cd /Applications/Adobe\ Flex\ Builder\ 3\ Plug-in/sdks/3.1.0/bin/
> ./compc -load-config+=/Users/me/Desktop/sgLib-config.xml
> In my searches around, I found few references to this error. In the
> list archives I found a reference to this error at 
> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/108412
> .
> But in that one it was when moving from flex 2 to 3. And they are
> using ant (which i am not), and their issue was with spaces vs commas
> in the ant task.
> But still searching for the answer to the "Error: could not find
> source for class" error....
> d

Ok, I found my issue like 2 minutes after posting the previous post  
(posting the solution for completeness).... and I can take the virtual  
slap anytime.... it was a case sensitive issue in my packages.....

My project is called "sgLib", but my folder under the project root  
(and my first package folder) is called "sglib". I thought I had made  
them the same.



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