I thought, when I first read this, that you were saying that it is a
part of a normal flex installation.  The author of the text said that
I need to download and install the auto-complete edit field component
into my libs directory.  I wonder if that means just for this project
or the libs directory for my Flex installation.

I don't understand why, if a 3rd party package or set of components is
required, they were not included with the rest of the content that
comes with the text.  It almost sounded like I should have somehow
known to locate and install this auto-complete component and that I
should have known how to install it into this project.  Is it just me,
or is it strange to think that the reader of this text would have
known to do this without even mentioning anything about needing this
extra component, how to get it and how to install it or install it for
this project?

So, yes, I did follow package notation, even before I asked this
question.  I mean the explanation of it was helpful to refresh my
memory as to how it works.  Then it just left me thinking something is
seriously missing that I need.  Please let me know what you think... 
Shouldn't a writer at least mention that one is going to need to
install this component into this package?  

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gordon Smith <gosm...@...> wrote:
> It sounds like you don't have the SWC with the
comc.adobe.flex.extras.controls.* classes (which are not part of a
standard Flex installation) or it isn't on your library-path.
> Gordon Smith
> Adobe Flex SDK Team
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of brucewhealton
> Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 6:25 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Namespace declaration problem
> Hello all,
> I have this code that I copied from a text book on Flex. I'm
> aware of package notation but I'm not sure how this works in this
> example and what is going wrong. In the code, I have within the
> Application tag, a namespace definition. So, the Application tag
> opens like this:
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
> layout="vertical"
> xmlns:ec="com.adobe.flex.extras.controls.*">
> I'm cutting out what is not relevant to the problem. The problem is
> that this tag is not recognized by Flex 3, it gives a compile time
> <ec:AutoComplete id="nameField" labelField="name" lookAhead="true" />
> I guess I need to figure out what is inside the controls package that
> is named above in the Application.
> The error I get on that line is
> 1046: Type was not found or was not a Compile time constant:
> How might I figure this out? The text where I found this does not
> elaborate on this particular code. It is an example of coding that is
> a little different then what I am familiar with.
> Can anyone help me make sense of this, please?
> Bruce

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