hi guys i have been reading alex aharui's blog
about scaling a flex application and i like it but i have one problem.
he says to get better results you have to estimate the size that is
width and height of the application other wise if you use percentages
the scalemode wont work. now i would like to have my flex app cover
the whole screen area and i am currently using percentages
(width="100%" and height="100%") and when i use the scalemode half of
my application is seen the other half is cut away. my question is! is
there a way of estimating the width and height of the app if its going
to cover the whole screen area without using percentages and is there
a way to archive good result even if you are still using percentages.
by good result i mean as you shrink the application its contents like
text and images also shrink to fit the app so that there are no scroll
bars. thanks

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