I think we might have a known bug on charts being used within Repeaters where the various fill objects may not assign correctly.  Rather than assign in the repeater maybe you’ll need to use the creationComplete event of the chart to go ahead and assign those values.  In your event handler use event.target.repeaterIndices[0] to get the index (I think).




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of david_gal-reyniez
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:59 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] COLUMNCHART + REPEATER


Hi everybody,


I try to generate 4 charts thanks to the REPEATER object but I partially success.

Can you help me to success totally...

The chart contains the good values, the legend generates the good labels et the defined colors.

The problem is to get the value for the both axis (in this case : day and resources) et to have the same color for the chart and its corresponding label.


Thanks very much for your help!


// METHOD : Create the data for the Chart

public function setOverviewThree():Array
 var tempArray:Array = new Array();
 var arrDay:Array = new Array();
 arrDay = setTheLastThirtyDays(30);               // Call a methode which gives the last 30 days from today
 for (var i:Number=0; i<30; i++)
  var resources_i:Number = Math.ceil(20*Math.random());
  var o:Object = new Object();
  o.day = arrDay[i];
  o.resources = resources_i;
 tempArray.sort(0, 2);
 return tempArray;



// METHOD : Create the data for the 4 charts


public function createChart():Array
 var tempArray:Array = new Array();
 var arrTitle:Array = new Array();
 arrTitle = ["NAME1", "NAME2", "NAME3", "NAME4"];
 var arrData:Array = new Array();
 arrData = [setOverviewThree(), setOverviewThree(), setOverviewThree(), setOverviewThree()];
 var arrColors:Array = new Array();
 arrColors = [0xCCCC99, 0x99CCCC, 0x669966, 0xCC99FF];
 var arrLabels:Array = new Array();
 arrLabels = ["name1", "name2", "name3", "name4"];
 for (var i:Number=0; i<arrTitle.length; i++)
  var o:Object = new Object();
  o.title = arrTitle[i];
  o.chartData = arrData[i];
  var labels:String = arrLabels[i];
  var fill:SolidColor = new SolidColor(arrColors[i]);
  var stroke:Stroke = new Stroke(0x000000);
  o.legend=[{ label:labels, fill:fill, stroke:stroke}];
 return tempArray;





<mx:Repeater id="rpCharts"
              dataProvider="{ arrCharts }" >
              <cp:CustomizedText  id="txtChart"
                    text="{ arrCharts[rpCharts.currentIndex].title }"
                    width="100%" />
              <mx:Spacer    height="6" />
              <!-- CHART WITH ONE DATA COLUMN -->
              <cp:CustomizedHBox  id="chbxChartOneColumn"
                    <mx:ColumnChart id="ccChartOneColumn"
                      &! nbsp;&nb sp;minWidth="500"
                        dataProvider="{ arrCharts[rpCharts.currentIndex].chartData }"            // <<<--------------------Here is the dataProvider [it works]
                        mouseClickData="{ setDashboard( event ) }"
                          <mx:CategoryAxis name="day"
                               dataProvider="{ arrCharts[rpCharts.currentIndex].chartData.day }"            // <<<--------------------Here is the dataProvider [it doesn't work]
                               categoryField="day" />
                         <mx:AxisRenderer title="date"
                              labelGap="4" />
                          <mx:CategoryAxis name="resources"
                               dataProvider="{ arrCharts[rpCharts.currentIndex].chartData.resources }"            // <<<--------------------Here is the dataProvider [it doesn't work]
                               categoryField="resources" />
                         <mx:AxisRenderer title="date"
                              labelGap="8" />
                            <mx:ColumnSeries yField="resources"
                                  <mx:SolidColor color="{ arrCharts[rpCharts.currentIndex].legend }" />            // <<<--------------------Here is the colum color definition [it doesn't work]
                            <mx:LineSeries  yField="resources"
                                 name="resources" />
                    <mx:Legend  dataProvider="{ arrCharts[rpCharts.currentIndex].legend  }"            // <<<--------------------Here is the legen color definition [it works]




</mx:Repeater >


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