Are you testing this over http:// or file:// If file:// crossdomain.xml may not be in play.
From: [] On Behalf Of jwebbsuccess Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 11:50 AM To: Subject: [flexcoders] Security sandbox violation on Bitmapdata.draw( rtmpVid ) despite crosspolicy.xml Take a look at this video player; notice there is an image on screen before the video begins playback: you_n_157881.html I'm trying to create similar 'preview frame' functionality in my own custom-built Flex/AS3-based RTMP video player... I need my the player to seek ahead to a given point in video, grab a snapshot for display as a preview frame, then seek back to the beginning before the user initiates playback... Or something like that. I've already got demo code (AS2) for taking a snapshot of a video after it has started playing. The problem is when I try to write code to do the same thing in my AS3 player, I get sandbox violation error as if I were running the demo SWF and my video player SWF on different servers. Both SWFs are in document folders on my computer... The RTMP host and I have confirmed that the permissions for using 'BitmapData.draw( obj )' on a video stream are in place (the demo works) so I've got no idea why I'm getting the sandbox violation error. Can anyone help me to get a snapshot of a video stream and then return the stream to the beginning before the user initiates playback? I've included the FLA for the demo in Flash CS4 and CS3 format: The demo code is attached separately: ------------------------------- import flash.display.BitmapData; var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); var ns:NetStream; var myBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( 160, 120, false, 0x00CCCCCC ); var mc_1:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip( "mc", this.getNextHighestDepth() ); btnCap.addEventListener( "click", captureVid ); nc.connect( "rtmp://" ); //nc.connect( "rtmp://localhost/vod" ); nc.onStatus = function( p_o ) { var code = p_o.code; trace( code ); if ( code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success" ) { playLive(); } }; function playLive() { trace( "playLive" ); mc_1._x = 195; mc_1._y = 15; ns = new NetStream( nc ); myVideo.attachVideo( ns ); myVideo.attachAudio( ns ); "kaye_400" ); ns.onStatus = function( p_o ) { trace( p_o.code ); }; mc_1.attachBitmap( myBitmapData,this.getNextHighestDepth() ); } function captureVid() { trace( "captureVid" ); myBitmapData.draw( myVideo ); } ------------------------------- I've also attached a piece of the code in my video player app so you can see what I'm trying to do; if you need to see more of the code, let me know and I'll send it to you: ------------------------------- public function getScreenCaptureData( seekTime:Number, vidWidth:Number, vidHeight:Number ):Bitmap { var startAt:Number = _netStream.time; trace( this + " getScreenCaptureData --> startAt: " + startAt + ", seekTime: " + seekTime + ", vidWidth: " + vidWidth + ", vidHeight: " + vidHeight ); seekTime ); var tempVid:Video = new Video( vidWidth, vidHeight ); tempVid.attachNetStream( _netStream ); var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData( vidWidth, vidHeight ); bd.draw( tempVid ); startAt ); //to be continued... return new Bitmap(); } ------------------------------- Thanks in advance for your help.