I believe much of this functionality is already available for free in
Clear Data Builder from Farata Systems.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Kelly <dek...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am building a code generator for building enterprise Java/Flex apps.
> It is model driven and can generate more then 50% of a Flex/Java project
> front to back.
> It currently generates Java and Flex value objects, hibernate layer,
> database schema, DAO's, DAO unit tests, stubs for the functional layer,
> stubs for services layer, config files for all layers, Maven poms,
> deployment scripts for Glassfish, Flex services layer, Flex forms,
> BlazeDS mappings and configs, and more.
> I started building it to use for my own projects but I have since
> realized that it might be useful to others as well.
> Now I am trying to raise funding to finish developing it and put it online.
> In order to raise funds I need to do a little market research.
> If anyone who is interested would please answer any of the following
> questions I would appreciate it:
> 1. How interested are you in using a Code Generation Service (Software
> Factory) that has the functionality listed above?
> 2. How interested in the service would you be if it supported more
> technologies and platforms?
> 3. Which other technologies, platforms, languages, or frameworks would
> you like to see it support? It currently supports the technologies that
> I use and a lot of the companies I have worked for use but I can easily
> and quickly add support for other things.
> 4. How much would this service be worth to you or your company?
> Thank you much and feel free to ask any questions. I will try to have a
> demo online as soon as I can.
> --Kelly

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