when i do what you asked me to do by taking out the leading dots and
the forward slash, image icons appear but without loading the images.
could it be with the coldfusion query? coz it looks like its actually
trying to load the images but cant find them. am gonna revise my
coldfusion query bt if you dont mind you can also look at it see if am
doing something wrong.

<cffunction name="load" output="false" access="remote" returntype="query">
        <cfargument name="ctry_id" required="true" type="numeric" default="0">
        <cfset var homes= "">
        <cfset var result= "">          
                <cfquery name="homes" datasource="realestate">
                        select  id, ctryid_home, city, location, price, type, 
                                        square_feet, date_listed, bedrooms, 
bathrooms, status, 
                                        pool, backyard, closets, garage, sale, 
                                        rent, image, lat, lng, description, tour
                        FROM            homes 
                        WHERE           ctryid_home = <cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />                                                   
                <cfquery dbtype="query" name="results">
                select          id, ctryid_home, city, location, price, type, 
                                        square_feet, date_listed, bedrooms, 
bathrooms, status, 
                                        pool, backyard, closets, garage, sale, 
+ image AS profilePic,
                                        lat, lng, description,
'http://localhost:8500/iestate/images/video/' + tour AS video
                FROM homes              
                <cfreturn results>

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