First, on the operation, set resultFormat="e4x".  The default "object"
has many drawbacks, search the archives for details.


Then modify your handler to work with XMLListCollection

[Bindable]public var storyFeed:XMLListCollection;


public function buildBookHandler(e:ResultEvent):void {
  var xmlResult:XML = XML(e.result);

  trace(xmlResult.toXMLString());  //to see your xml structure

  var xlStoryFeed:XMLList = xmlResult.What.Ever.Path.To.Story.nodes;
//depends on xml structure

  trace(xlStoryFeed.toXMLString());  //this what you expect

  storyFeed = new XMLListCollection(xlStoryFeed);  //now you can use
this for a dataProvider
  //If youwant to loop over the data, use the XMLList

  var xmlStoryNode:XML

  for (var i:uint = 0; i < xlStoryFeed.length(); i++){  //note the
parens on length
    xmlStoryNode =   xlStoryFeed[i];


   storyArea.text = xmlStoryNode.story; //assumes <story> child node

Tracy Spratt 
Lariat Services 

Flex development bandwidth available 


From: [] On
Behalf Of Wally Kolcz
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 12:40 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] What is the results of a web service


I am having fits trying to figure out how to use the information coming
back from a webservice. I created a web service call in my code:

    <mx:WebService id="storyGateway"
fault=",'Story Gateway Error')">
        <mx:operation name="listBySubject"
fault=",'Story Gateway Error')" />

It returns the data as requested, I can see it in my debugging, but I
cannot figure out how to set it to a variable and then call the various
elemenets (linkText, story, photo, defaultLogo)

I tried to set it to a variable as an ArrayCollection:

            public var storyFeed:ArrayCollection = new

public function buildBookHandler(e:ResultEvent):void {
                storyFeed = e.result as ArrayCollection;

              for (var i:uint = 0; i <; i++){
                    //Story Area
                    var storyArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                    storyArea.text = storyFeed.getItemAt(i).story;
                    storyArea.wordWrap = true;
                    storyArea.height = 550;
                    storyArea.width = 400;
                    storyArea.editable = false;
                    storyArea.x = 0;
                    storyArea.y = 25;


                rssMag.flipOnClick = true;

But still getting errors..
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.
    at RSSMagazine/buildBookHandler()[D:\wkolcz\My Documents\Flex
Builder 3\RSSMagazine\src\RSSMagazine.mxml:36]

Line 36 is:
storyArea.text = storyFeed.getItemAt(i).story;



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