The way I did this (and it's probably not the most efficient) was this:
 - User clicked a button inside the mx:component tag.
 - The click call passed a reference to the VBox container to the
outer document function.
 - In the outer document function, I'd use the reference like this: 

var vb:VBox = vbox; // vbox is the reference to object in component
var text:TextInput = vb.getChildAt(2) as TextInput;

I wish there was a cleaner way, like setting an ID on the mx:component
tag and then referencing its children. But I think the component is
treated as a different class altogether.

- Alex

--- In, dnk <d.k.emailli...@...> wrote:
> Is there something the opposite of outterDocument to access vars and  
> methods inside of a mx:component tag?
> or is it as simple as (no where near my flex machine):
> <mx:Component id="something">
>       <custom:mycomp />
> </mx:Component>
> <script>
> something.mymethod;
> Thanks!
> d

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