Hi Haykel
Thanks for the info, This might help to get started for the reorganization

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Haykel BEN JEMIA <hayke...@gmail.com>wrote:

>   ViewStacks, like most containers, uses deferred instantiation (if the
> creationPolicy property is set to 'auto', which is the default), which means
> it only creates the descendants of a child when it's selected the first
> time. So for startup optimization, I think it's ok to use ViewStacks.
> Now you could probably use modules to further reduce swf size, but this
> would also mean that the user will have to wait longer when a page is
> selected until the module is downloaded. But it's ok if the modules are
> small.
> Haykel Ben Jemia
> Allmas
> Web & RIA Development
> http://www.allmas-tn.com
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:43 PM, anuj181 <anuj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>   Hi Flex Coders,
>> I have been taken over one project started by some other programmer,
>> The project asks user to login and after user logs in , different custom
>> MXML Components are loaded. Thats the bigger picture what the project needs
>> to do.
>>  The way this project was organized that the developer created the login
>> component , and other custom MXML Component and put them in different
>> canvases and then put login in one ViewStack and the other MXML Componenets
>> in another stack, By default on the load of the application, ViewStack with
>> login Canvas is set to true and if user enter right password then the
>> visibility of other stack having different custom components are set to true
>> and login was set to false.
>> The ToggleButtonBar was used whose data provider is second view stack
>> having 3 other custom MXML component, and depending upon the button of the
>> toggle bar selected the components are being loaded. All the viewstacks with
>> the canvases are being loaded on the main app on the load of the
>> application.
>>  I am  not sure thats the right way.* In ideal world I like whenever user
>> loads the page, only the login page will be loaded and once the correct
>> credentials are entered, only the default MXML Component will be added with
>> the ToggleButtonBar's default selection, I have to reorganize the structure
>> of the project, I was thinking of adding and removing child depending upon
>> the tab changed,* Is there any better way to organize this project,
>> Ideally I like to refresh the page while loading different MXML components
>> on the tab selection so that we might get the component totally in
>> synchronization with the server, Anyone has nice and better way of
>> organizing Project without setting the visibility true and false and also
>> fulfilling my requirement.
>> Any Help and guidance will be appreciated
>> Thanks
>> Anuj

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