I am so trying to wrap my head around web services and use them for my projects 
since we Blue Dragon here at the U. I have my CFCs and they seem to work fine. 
However, I have no idea on how to set the 'return value' for a web service to 
an arraycollection to use it. I am used to RemoteObjects that I can just set 
and then use myData.getItemAt(0).name...

I have a query to my database that returns one row of records through a web 
service. It is returned to my Flex app and I am trying to get it to an 
ArrayCollection variable for use in the application. I was watching a Lynda 
video that uses something like:

myData = e.result.Tables.Table0.Rows as ArrayCollection. Now is that how you 
can set that row's columns at the value of the ArrayCollections? Or is this 
only going to work for the video scenerio?

Thanks for any info!

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