The htmlText in the TextArea control supports only a limited number of
HTML tags; take a look at this blog post for more info:

I don't think the <ul> tag is supported; nor can it be nested. To
create lists, you simply use the <li> tag.

- Alex

--- In, "ilikeflex" <ilikef...@...> wrote:
> Hi
> I want to have this kind of look
> I made the following in TextArea
> <mx:TextArea id="txtAccounts" editable="false" borderThickness="1" 
> condenseWhite="true" width="100%"  height="100%"  >
>                       <mx:htmlText>
>                               <![CDATA[
>                                       <ul>
>                                         <li>Coffee</li>
>                                         <li>Tea</li>
>                                           <ul>
>                                           <li>Black tea</li>
>                                           <li>Green tea</li>
>                                             <ul>
>                                             <li>China</li>
>                                             <li>Africa</li>
>                                             </ul>
>                                           </ul>
>                                         <li>Milk</li>
>                                       </ul>
>                               ]]>
>                       </mx:htmlText>
>               </mx:TextArea>
> But i do not get the desired result.
> Any pointers.
> Thanks
> ilikeflex

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