Quick question...why are these different:


<merlin:ReportingDatesPanel width="100%" height="100%" portfolio="{selectedPortfolio}" />




mainContent.createChild(ReportingDatesPanel, "", {width: "100%", height: "100%", portfolio: selectedPortfolio});


When the selectedPortfolio object changes in the main app with the MXML in first example above, the custom component recognizes the change in the selectedPortfolio object and performs the correct action.


If I have the main application dynamically create the custom component with the code in the 2nd example above, if the selectedPortfolio object changes, the dynamically created custom component does not see that change and none of the actions that I want to take place, actually take place.  I’m guessing this is a databinding issue…am I supposed to set the portfolio attribute differently to catch changes in this object when dynamically creating the custom component?


Any help is greatly appreciated.





robert l. brueckmann

senior web developer

merlin securities

595 madison avenue

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p: 212.822.4821

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