--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Jules Suggate <julian.sugg...@...> 
> Is it possible for an MXML file to implement an interface? Sounds 
> ... but won't resolve my issue unfortunately. It's the 
implementation code
> that I want them to share.
> I have developers on my team who are less than keen on having to 
> repetitive code around the place -- they want to focus on cool 
> state transitions and backend integration :-)
> And I don't want repeated code everywhere in the app since if we 
want to
> change something, there'll eventullay be hundreds of places where 
we have to
> do so if the code is copy+pasted around the place...

You could do something like monkey patching UIComponent to include 
your boilerplate.

Another option is to simply have an as file that you include.

A third option is to have a class that encapsulates the common 
functionality, and use composition to add it to your classes (where 
the classes _have_ a someClass rather than _being_ a someClass).

A fourth option is to create a class with all static methods, similar 
to how the Math class works.



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