
One way is to use File instead of FileReference.  You can get the
ByteArray that way and pass that to your service.  the only caveat is
that you won't be able to track the upload progress; unless you do
something custom with your service.

private var fileToUpload:File;
private var pptFiles:FileFilter = new FileFilter("PowerPoint Files
(*.ppt)", "*.ppt");
private var fileTypes:Array = new Array(pptFiles);

public function browseFiles():void
      fileToUpload = new File();
      fileToUpload.addEventListener( Event.SELECT, uploadFile );
      fileToUpload.browseForOpen("Open", fileTypes);

public function uploadFile( event:Event ):void
      fileToUpload = event.target as File;

      var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

      var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
      stream.open(fileToUpload, FileMode.READ);
      stream.readBytes(fileData, 0, stream.bytesAvailable);

      // fileData will now contain the ByteArray for the file to upload.
     //  You can use mx.utils.Base64Encoder.encodeBytes();, or send the
data as is.}


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "tchredeemed" <apth...@...> wrote:
> Hello, I am using RubyAMF to save information to the database.
> The FileReference.upload method is causing some issues because
> logically I would like to pass the File information with other
> information rather than just using upload().
> That being said, is there any way to convert FileReference data to
> Base64, I am assuming all file types are able to be encoded in base64,
> is that correct?
> Any help would be appreciated!
> If not base64, any other way to do it would be great, just need some
> way that I dont have to use FileRef.upload!
> thanks!

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