I'd definitely be interested in extending TLF when it's released. Is it
going to live in Player, or in the Flex framework? If the latter, why would
it not be open sourced? Is it going to be part of Builder pro? Am I dreaming
hoping for answers to those questions? ;-)


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Gordon Smith <gosm...@adobe.com> wrote:

>    The Halo RichTextEditor component will never support tables; it is
> based on the Player's TextField, and the Player team has no plans to improve
> TextField. Instead, the Player team has provided, in Flash Player 10, an
> entirely new text engine known as FTE (Flash Text Engine) on top of which a
> Text Layout Framework (TLF) library is being developed. Gumbo components --
> including the new FxTextArea -- use TLF to do their text rendering. And
> we're working on making it possible for Halo components to also get some TLF
> capabilities.
> The first version of TLF, which will ship with Gumbo, will support cool
> stuff like bidirectional text (for right-to-left languages like Arabic and
> Hebrew mixed together with left-to-right languages), virtualized scrolling
> (so that you can scroll through large amounts of text without requiring too
> much memory), multiple columns, vertical Asian text, embedded graphics,
> superscripts/subscripts, ligatures, a better markup language, and a text
> object model, but… it will unfortunately not support lists or tables. : (
> Lists and tables are scheduled for a future release of TLF, after Flex 4.
> The good news is that new versions of the TLF library will be able to be
> released more quickly and easily than new versions of the Player, so you
> shouldn't have to wait too long for improvements.
> Discussions are also underway about open-sourcing TLF, or at least making
> its source available, in which case you could try implementing tables
> yourself if you are very ambitious.
> Gordon Smith
> Adobe Flex SDK Team
> *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Igor Costa
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 31, 2009 7:29 AM
> *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Tables in Rich Text Editor
> Jeroen
> Open a feature request at Flex Bug Base. So far doesn't have any.
> Regards
> Igor Costa
> www.igorcosta.org
>  2008/12/18 Jeroen De Vos <jeroen.de...@haven.antwerpen.be>
> Hi,
> Perhaps one of the most asked questions on the list: when will the Rich
> Text Editor support tables?
> I had high hopes with Flash Player 10 and the Text Layout Framework, but
> alas, no tables.
> Anyone has any luck extending the RTE to support tables?
> Thanks,
> Jeroen.
> *Jeroen De Vos*
> *C/ICT - Amaris*
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> --
> ----------------------------
> Igor Costa
> www.igorcosta.com
> www.igorcosta.org

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Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
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