Consider this VBox:

<mx:VBox id="mybox" borderStyle="solid" minWidth="400" minHeight="300"/>

There's no explicit width or height, only the minimums are set.  When the
app runs, we get a 400x300 box.  All good.  However, if we try to scale this

mybox.scaleX = mybox.scaleY = 0.5;

I would think that we would get a box that's 200x150.  Instead, I got a box
that's 100x75.  The scaling had been set to 0.25.  I've tried this for
different values and it appears that the value is being squared, eg. 0.5*0.5
= 0.25.  If I try 0.6, I get 0.36, etc.  If I set explicit dimensions of
400x300, then the scaling works fine.  Am I missing something?  I assume
that this is not intended behaviour?  Anybody else experience this?

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