You need to set the dataProvider on the DataGrid

 Somewhere in the resultHandler, do something like this:

myTest = event.result.entry.rooms;

 Or you could give the DataGrid an id and do something like this:

myDataGrid.dataProvider = event.result.entry.rooms;


iloveyouwisconsin wrote:
> Newbie alert!
> So, I have my datagrid that I found somewhere on the internet (I can't 
> remember where....I put this project on hold for a couple of months). 
> The default data that populates it is with U.S. states. I'd now like 
> to populate that with data from my server. I've managed to put the 
> HTTPService in and the functions that grab the data. Now, I'm stuck. I 
> feel like I've just been experimenting and getting nowhere. How do I 
> get rid of the states and put in my data?
> Thanks in advance!
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; 
> layout="vertical" creationComplete="initApp()"  
> viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
> <mx:Script>
>     <![CDATA[
>               private function init():void{
>                               stuff.send();
>                               }                       
>                       private function 
> httpFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void{
>                     "We are conducting 
> maintenance on our servers. Please check back later.","Error");
>                       }
>                       import;
>                       private function 
> httpResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{
>                               thisisit = event.result.entry.rooms;
>                       }
>                       import; 
>                       [Bindable] private var thisisit;
>         import 
> com.boyzoid.PagableArrayCollection.PagableArrayCollection
>         import mx.controls.Alert;
>         [Bindable]
>         public var myTest:PagableArrayCollection = new 
> PagableArrayCollection(
>             [{label:"AK", dataa:"Alaska"},
>                 {label:"AL", dataa:"Alabama"},
>                 {label:"AR", dataa:"Arkansas"},
>                 {label:"AZ", dataa:"Arizona"},
>                 {label:"CA", dataa:"California"},
>             ]);
>         public function initApp():void{
>           myTest.filterFunction = filterStates;
>         }
>         public function ItemsPerPage(value:Number):void{
>             myTest.itemsPerPage = value as Number;
>         }
>         private function filterStates(item:Object):Boolean{
> if(item.dataa.toLowerCase().search(search.text.toLowerCase()) == -1){
>                    return false
>                }              
>                return true              
>            }
>     ]]>
> </mx:Script>
>  <mx:HTTPService id="stuff" url="http://localhost/test.php"; 
> fault="httpFaultHandler(event)" result="httpResultHandler(event)"/>   
>     <mx:VBox y="10" width="50%" horizontalCenter="0" 
> horizontalAlign="center">
>         <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
>             <mx:Button label="&lt;&lt;" click="myTest.pageDown()"/>
>             <mx:Button label=">>" click="myTest.pageUp()"/>
>         </mx:HBox>
>         <mx:Text x="532" y="28" text="Page {myTest.currentPage} of 
> {myTest.pages}"/>
>         <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
>             <mx:TextInput text="20" id="items" textAlign="center" 
> change="ItemsPerPage(int(items.text))" restrict="0-9"   width="40" />
>             <mx:Text text="items per page"/>
>         </mx:HBox>
>         <mx:HBox>
>         <mx:FormItem label="Search State Name">
>             <mx:TextInput id="search" change="{myTest.refresh()}" />
>         </mx:FormItem>
>         </mx:HBox>
>     </mx:VBox>
>     <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{myTest}" width="200" 
> horizontalCenter="0" bottom="15" top="100"/>
> </mx:Application>
> ------------------------------------
> --
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Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur
Adobe Community Expert:  | Phone: 203-379-0773
Easy to use Interface Components for Flex Developers
Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust

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