I thought I'd create a test case to test this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
             import mx.controls.Alert;

             private function onApplicationComplete():void
                 var x:Boolean = true;
                 var y:Boolean = false;

                 if(x == true && y == false)
                 else if(x== false && y == false)
                     if( x == true)
                           Alert.show("Should never happen.");
                  //do nothing

             private function doSomething():void {}
             private function doSomethingElse():void {}

It works fine. No Alert box.

How are you invoking this code. It has to be something else.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Cordova Aaron <basic...@...> wrote:
> I have an if else block that is matching every combination, all at
> To verify what I was suspecting I hard coded values to make portions
of the block impossible but they are still occuring, I'm assuming that
the project is not being rebuilt but when I comment lines, the code is
no longer executed, but the block is still executed.
> example
> x = true;
> y = false;
> if(x == true && y == false)
> {
>     doSomething();
> }
> else if(x== false && y == false)
> {
>     if( x == true)
>    {
>           Alert.show("Should never happen.");
>     }
>     doSomethingElse();
> }
> else
> {
>  //do nothing
> }
> In my example I'm sure that I should never see the alert message, but
I get it the message every time the code is executed. I ran the 'Clean'
option in under the Build menu and the source recompiled, the problem

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