Just as a suggestion, Why not take Maté and add Java/BlazeDS support
to it?

(OK, I admit it, I really like what I've seen of Maté so far--IMHO a
Developer could do a lot worse using another framework.)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Josh McDonald <j...@...> wrote:
> Hey guys, I have a small request:
> I'd like to know what grinds your gears, and what makes you smile
about the
> Flex library, and about whatever other libraries you use on a daily
basis to
> get your work done. If you have time, please post here or to me
off-list a
> quick summary of your thoughts, some bullet points, or even a link to
> somebody else's blog posting that sums up your ideas. Anything
you've got to
> say, even if it's no more than "PureMVC ftw!", I'd like to hear it.
> I have a keen interest in frameworks, and I'm planning on building
> that takes the best ideas I can find (and cook up) from these and my
> experiences maintaining a mostly-closed-source framework at my 9-5.
It's for
> my own apps, I'll be dog-fooding it, but it will be open source.
It's going
> to be a full-stack framework with an optional Java+Warp+BlazeDS
> so if you think you've got some good ideas, or would like to help,
> drop me a line.
> Cheers,
> -Josh
> -- 
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for
> Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
>   -  j...@...
>   -  http://twitter.com/sophistifunk
>   -  http://flex.joshmcdonald.info/

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