Use the Profiler to see if you really have such a problem.  We have seen issues 
with some browsers not releasing memory even though Flex has.

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Developer
Adobe Systems Inc.<>

From: [] On Behalf 
Of thibodeau.alain
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 6:00 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Image->swfLoader->memory

Hi all,
I am building a photo library using tileList and the <mx:Image. I do
notice that the memory does grow the more images I load. The <mx:Image
is bound to my modelLocator, so I am not actually "unloading" the image
per say, I am just changing the source with databinding. I did assume
however that it would unload the image before loading the next...That
said, I've also tested to unload the image manually.

I've read various conflicting posts on swfLoader and how it doesn't
actually unload loaded swf's or images. I've also read that in player
10+ it actually unloads swf's properly...Can someone please tell me
what simply is the truth? And if there is an issue with the swfLoader,
than what would be a good workaround?

Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.

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