
   I've got an unusual and unwanted interaction between two controls
going on.

  The first control (A) is a semi-complex control with custom
actionscript and two Flex components: one custom (IconLoader) and one
'stock' (mx:Image): the custom pieice displays '.ico' files, the stock
piece displays '.png' (icon-sized) files.

    The second control (B) that is triggering the unwanted behaviour,
is a plain-Jane instance of mx:VSlider (mx:HSlider has the same issues.)

   The unwanted behaviour is, when MouseDown or MouseUp on the
pointer-head of the slider control (B), it seems to initiate a fetch
of last-loaded mx:image item in the iconloader control (A)- which in
turn causes a Security Sandbox Violation message to issue to the trace
window, which, apart from likely 'slowness' is the only appreciable
symptom of this problem!

  Setting autoLoad=false for the mx:Image control stopped the unwanted
image fetch (attempt), it also stopped the wanted image fetch.  Using
AS3 image.load()   or image.load (image.source) image.source)  cuase
the wanted image to appear; it also resumed with the unwanted fetch
that results in the Security Sandbox Violation message.

   Has anyone else seen such an interaction between mx:Image and

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