Hello all, 

I'm a Flex newbie. I'm working on an application where an end user
clicks a button, and when the button is clicked a DB is queried
repeatedly until a particular result is returned. When the result is
returned the end user gets a confirmation message to tell them that
they were successful.

So the code goes like this:

private var dBTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000);

private function onButtonClick(): void{
  dBTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timeTick);

public function timeTick(evt:TimerEvent):void {
   checkStatus(callBackFunction, id);    

 private function callBackFunction():void 
         if( status == 'SUCCESS' )
           // cancel the timer
Alert.show("Succcess string","Info","OK",null,null,INFO_ICON);
              //do nothing and the checkStatus 
              //will be called again  at next TimerEvent

So the first time the end user clicks on the button, everything works
okay. The DB is queried and when SUCCESS is returned the dBTimer is
stopped and reset. The end user gets the Success Alert dialog box and
everything is okay.

The second time the end user clicks the button, everything happens the
same as before, only the dbTimer, despite being stopped doesn't stop
working. checkStatus is called over and over again in an infinite loop
because the dbTimer never stops.

Can anyone suggest anything please ? I am really puzzled by this one.

Best Regards, 

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