--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "markflex2007" <markflex2...@...> 
> I add show event to my component like
> <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; height="768"
> width="858" xmlns:ns1="marketingModule.view.components.forms.*" 
>          show ="init()">
> ....
> </mx:Canvas>
> but it doesn't call the function. I change it to craeteComplate,it
> works at first time.
> But I need call the function when I open the component.I am confuse
> the show event.Please help me

Is this in a ViewStack or something?  If so, the first time the 
component is shown (if creationpolicy is auto) does not fire the show 
event.  Instead, it fires the creationComplete event.

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