ASCompress supports GZIP

--- In, David Adams <dpad...@...> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 9:06 PM, Cato Paus <ca...@...> wrote:
> > go here
> >
> Thanks for the link! I couldn't get the AIR app to compile, but
> realized it pointed out an obvious strategy: use Flash to
> encode/decode the test string. I've got that going now so I can sort
> out a byte comparison with my server-side encoder's.
> I also found an old bug report that indicates that Flash only
> understands 'zlib' and does not understand deflate, at the moment.
> That's a bit of a help but 'zlib' covers a bit of ground, as far as I
> can tell (?)
> Thanks again.

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