Thanks for the example, Amy. I was able to do this (on application complete
in the host):

                                    loadedApp = as
                                    loadedApp["configid"] = "Default";

and see the value in the loaded application.

public function set configid(id:String):void {
                this.config_id = id;

I was also able to pass a parameter in the url, and access it in the loaded
app's creationComplete via

this.parameters["config_id"] (not

But I have not been able to get this to work:

                                    loadedApp = as
                                    if(!loadedApp) throw new Error();
                                    loadedApp.parameters["config_id"] =

Loaded app's onCreationComplete()

                 this.config_id =

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 6:35 AM, Amy <> wrote:

>   --- In <>,
> Richard Rodseth <rrods...@...> wrote:
> >
> > I'm experimenting with loading sub applications using SWFLoader. I've
> read
> > numerous posts about this, but for the life of me can't figure out
> how to
> > pass flashvars to the sub application. In particular, the technique
> > described here (the second one) doesn't work for me
> >
> >
> parameters-to-a-loaded-swf
> >
> > Surely there's a definitive way to do this?
> Have you thought about just setting up getters and setters on your base
> class and calling those? This doesn't use getters and setters, but a
> getter or setter is just a function, so you can see how it would work:
> swfloader.html

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