We're working with the AIR team on this, FB-16153


On 3/6/09 9:17 AM, "Beau Scott" <beau.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:

I just updated our code base to use Flex SDK 3.3 & AIR 1.5.1 (thanks to some 
weird dependency issue that occured when updating the system's AIR runtime to 
1.5.1 and not the debugger... real nice), and am now having horrible issues 
debugging on all platforms.
We primarily develop on Linux, and are used to the frequent/random debugger 
disconnects that have always plagued it, but are now experiencing random 
lockups of the application being debugged.
Thinking this was a Linux oversight, we booted up to Windows -- and 
disappointingly found that there are as many issues in debugging in windows 
now. For no apparent reason, when launch an application for debugging, about 
20% of the time the application never starts. You can see the decompression 
message in the debug output, but that's it. ADL is still running, not really 
consuming more memory, and the debugger stays connected, but nothing happens. 
Debugging on Windows also has the same random/frequent lockups that Linux did 
after the SDK update.

I've updated all the runtimes, etc., following the instructions here: 
and adapting them to fit all platforms (with regard to executables).

Anyone else see this?

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