I am having some problems with blazeds and how it maps a collection contains 
long elements.

Let's assume I have a class

public class MyClass {


private Set<Long> myLongs;

public void setMyLongs(Set<Long> myLongs){
 this.myLongs = myLongs;
public Set<Long> getMyLongs(){
 return myLongs;
and I have a mapped class in flex and a instance of this class containing an 
arraycollection with for example [1, 4] 

Now I'm sending this instance to my remoteobject

public void receiveStuff(MyClass m){

The problem I'm having now, is that blazeds actually mapped the 1 and 4 not as 
a Long into myLongs but as a Integer.
Sofar this is not a big issue, but I'm passing it forward to hibernate and 
there it leads to some errors:

org.hibernate.type.LongType - could not bind value ... to parameter: ...
java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Long

I found already some bug reports on that in 
https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/BLZ-79 but it's marked as resolve with the 
solution "don't use java syntax 1.5" which is not very helpful. So if someone 
has a solution/workarround/idea please let me know. 

Thanks in advance

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