one more thing,
AdvancedDataGrid doesnt support DataDescriptor...

--- In, "yossi.baram" <> wrote:
> wow Amy,
> Some of your articles helped me a lot, realy thanks you:)
> Now I looked at your example and using AdvacedDataModel with RmoteObject, 
> getting the data from my Java code, couldnt rally see how can I use it 
> (although I would love to), if you can guide me with the adaptations, please 
> do...
> I actaualy used your advice regards the AsyncToken, and I have some results, 
> I get the data from the server, but I have lots of problem controlling the 
> expand of the desired branch, when I click the branch, the data is fetched 
> using the RemoteObject but childrens expand and collapse immidiatly :( 
> My code:
> in my mxml: 
> 1. I load first the data for the dataprovider to show only parents
> 2. When we click on the closed parentId we activate:
> private function onItemOpen(event:AdvancedDataGridEvent ) : void
>       {
>        var remoteService:RemoteObject=getDataFromHandler();
>        // getLazyData is the func from my server to get the data
>        var news:AsyncToken = remoteService.getLazyData   
> (event.item.GroupLabel);
>       news.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(setAttributes, onFault));
> }
> public function getDataFromHandler(): RemoteObject { 
>       dataService = new RemoteObject("MyHandler1"); 
>       dataService.showBusyCursor = true;                              
> dataService.destination="DataGridRemote";
>       return dataService;                     
> } 
> The RemoteObject goes to the server and when its back it activates:
> protected function setAttributes(event: ResultEvent): void {
>       var dm:DataModel;
>         // my object from the server                          
>       dm = DataModel(event.result);                                   model = 
> MatrixDataModel(dm.model.getItemAt(0));
>          // my function that converts my Object to DataProvider
>       remoteDP = createProvider(model);                               // 
> Create Headers
>       createHeaders();
>       // create upper group columns                           
>       setGroupedColumns();
>                       }
> It sims that the correct data is on the grid but after a split sec it 
> collapse.
> WHY???
> Can i use your code to make all better?
> Thanks a lot for all your help, really
> Jo
> --- In, "Amy" <amyblankenship@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "yossi.baram" <yossi.baram@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi guys,
> > > I am strugeling to figure out lazy loading in my AdvancedDataGrid.
> > > I didnt find any relevant document on that.
> > > If I'm using ItemRenderer for my columns to do manipulation on the data, 
> > > it is executed when I click on the grouped (branch )column.
> > > This is good if I ahve a dataprovider with all data.
> > > But if I want lazy loading,
> > > When or where should I create my RemoteObject to fetch the relevant data 
> > > from the server? 
> > 
> > I typically create a static class to use for the RemoteObject.  Each custom 
> > typed object in the collection has a reference to it and a method that can 
> > be called to tell it to load children.
> > 
> > > Can I do it in my ItemRenderer?
> > > Other option, If I catch a click from my AdvancedDataGrid and figure out 
> > > the parentId, and fetch the relevant data from the server, how can I 
> > > activate the Itemrenderer that I need to manipulate with this new data?
> > 
> > The dataProvider for your ADG will always be a HierachichalCollectionView, 
> > which means you can easily get from parent to child and vice versa.
> > 
> > If you start out with an empty ArrayCollection as the children property on 
> > each of your objects, then when that AC is updated (NOT REPLACED) by the 
> > result of a Remote Object call, then the AC should generate whatever events 
> > the ADG needs to fill itself in.
> > 
> > > Many questions regard this Lazy loading, can you guide me here please?
> > 
> > You might find this example helpful:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > HTH;
> > 
> > Amy
> >

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