Dispatch the DataGrid's itemRollOver event.
That event contains a rowIndex of the rolled over item.

Your listener could then be something like:

        private function PreviewRow( e: ListEvent ) : void {
                var evt:ListEvent = e as ListEvent;
                preview.text = dg.dataProvider[evt.rowIndex].label;

Hope this helps

~ Bart

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "secrit.service" <secrit-serv...@...> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a datagrid. If I mouseclick on a row, I can retrieve this record by 
> using selectedItem. However, when I move my mouse over the datagrid (without 
> clicking) the rows also change color. Is there any way to retrieve the record 
> where my mouse is pointing at.
> Meaning is to show a preview of the records as soon my mouse is passing over.
> Thanks in advance

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