I have a strange issue with data binding not updating when an item in  
an ArrayCollection is changed. I'm using Cairngorm and have the  
following setup. In my ModelLocator I have a 'users' ArrayCollection  
that contains 'UserVO' objects. I have a two views that binds their  
dataProvider to the 'users' AC in the ModelLocator. My UserVO looks  
like so:

package com.jrobinson.model.VO
        public class UserVO
                public var id:int = -1;
                public var username:String = null;
                public var enabled:Boolean = false;
                public var userData:XMLList = null;
                public function UserVO(user_id:int, uName:String, 
                        id = user_id;
                        username = uName;
                        enabled = enabled;
                        userData = d;


I first have a command that loads all of the users and populates the  
AC. This updates the bindings as expected. I then have a second  
command that loads the userData portion for a given user. Once  
retrieved, I update the given UserVO's userData, but this time, the  
bindings fail to update.

I feel like I've seen this before but can't find where or what the  
workaround might be. I guess I'm just looking for confirmation that  
this should or shouldn't work.


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