I have a situation in which I am currently using a very ugly set up to get the 
job done, but I want to change this (will explain) and I am looking for some 

The process is this.

A user gets to  a piece of our app and they are presented with some options.  
The options are very different depending on which route they take to get there.

For instance, they might see a checkbox about saving a piece of their file as a 

They might see a set of radio buttons to order different quantities (in this 
case the price can change depending on which radio button is selected [the 
price is on the same screen]).

They might see a mailing address or an email address, depending on the medium 
of the item they are purchasing.

Basically, the options vary greatly, so I currently have a different custom 
component depending on which they are using.

I want to be able to use one component and have different options on that 
component, but I am not sure of an efficient way to do it.

I know this is random and probably not easily answered without a specific 
understanding of the system, but I thought I would ask :)

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