Hi all,

I had a question regarding an AIR utility class that I am trying to finish.
The class is pretty simple, it is basically an AIR implementation of the Mac
Growl UI (notification windows that pop open on the right edge of the
display). Most AIR applications seem to use some implementation of the
functionality so I decided to write a generic one that I could open source
and let everyone use it.

My question is pretty simple. Like growl, I wanted to bring out a number of
rectangular notification windows that fade out after some time. There are 3
ways I can see this being accomplished:

1) Open new NativeWindow for each notification
2) Open one transparent nativeWindow add children to it calculate its size
based on the number of children being added (notifications), and then place
the window appropriately on the screen's edge
3) Open one transparent nativeWindow to the size of the screen (resolution),
and add notifications to its right edge.

Is there one implementation over another that may have better performance ?
#2 seems it may since it creates one native window of the exact size it
needs, but its the most work.

Any thoughts ?

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