I am using the design patterns from Cairngorm and Chapter 20 of the Developing Rich Clients with Flex book (though I’m not using the actual Cairngorm framework).  I have a problem that I’m not sure how to debug and I’m not exactly sure what parts of my code I should post, so I’ll explain the issue and maybe someone can help me narrow it down.  I’m kind of an ActionScript newbie, so I may just be in over my head.


In my delegate file, I can’t set the delegate to anything past mx.core.Application.application.  In my functions I have to actually type out the path to my services and CFC.  I have a function that creates the delegate:


      public function MyDelegate(commandCaller:Responder)


            this.my_delegate = mx.core.Application.application;

            this.my_responder = commandCaller;



And then I have my operation calls on the CFCs:


      public function MyCFCMethod():Void {

            var pendingCall:Object = this.my_delegate.MyServices.MyCFC.MyCFCMethod();

            pendingCall.resultHandler = Delegate.create(this.my_responder, this.my_responder.onResult);

            pendingCall.faultHandler = Delegate.create(this.my_responder, this.my_responder.onFault);



If I try to use this.my_delegate = mx.core.Application.application.MyServices.MyCFC in the MyDelegate() function, and then use this.my_delegate.MyCFCMethod() in the MyCFCMethod function, it won’t make the connection to the CFC (The netConnectionDebugger shows a connect event, but no call event).


Any idea what might be causing this?  I know this is a really open-ended question, so any small piece of advice for helping me track the issue down would be much appreciated.


Thanks in advance for your help,


-Ryan Stewart

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