event.target.selectedItem says it's Object (@b3063a9) but lists all of
the variables: actiondate, actionuser, effdate, endeffdate, headline,
headline_id of my VO it also has a mx_internal_id

but I check 'this.currentVO' and it shows "null" after the assignment:
currentVO = event.target.selectedItem as headlineVO;

currentVO is declared as a headlineVO as the top of the mxml page..

private var currentVO:headlineVO = new headlineVO();

In my headlineVO.as I'm linking to my bean

I'm missing something... currentVO shouldnt be null

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:18 PM, ppongtong <ppongt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Please try
> <mx:DataGrid itemClick="selectedHeadline()"...
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Greg Morphis <gmorp...@...> wrote:
>> I have a vo headlineVO that has the following variables
>> headline_id:Number
>> headline:String
>> effdate:Date
>> endeffdate:Date
>> actionuser:String
>> actiondate:Date
>> I have a cfc that returns an ArrayCollection of beans, each bean has
>> the above variables too.
>> I can populate a datagrid with this data and it shows fine.
>> I'm trying to populate a new vo (currentVO) when the user selects a
>> row and hits "edit".
>> The new VO shows as being null in the debugger.
>> This is what my code looks like
>> <mx:DataGrid id="headlinesDG"
>> dataProvider="{MyModel.getInstance().adminARCHeadlines}"
>> click="selectedHeadline" ...
>> ...
>> </mx:DataGrid>
>> above I have a function
>> private function selectedHeadline():void {
>> currentVO = headlinesDG.selectedItem as headlineVO;
>> }
>> and for the editButton.click I have another function that just Alert
>> the currentVO.headline;
>> I get a null object reference when I click on the edit Button.
>> If I put a breakpoint above the Alert I can see that currentVO is
>> null, how can I assign that selected row to my vo?
>> Can anyone offer suggestions or things I should check?
>> Thanks in advance!
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