Many IE problems are cause by the no-cache header (or lack thereof, I forget
which).  I also vaguely remember having issues on IE only when settings
didn't match up perfectly (ex. using an AMFChannel instead of a
SecureAMFChannel with and https address).  You might want to throw out your
assumetions of what should work/fail over and only use what is explicitly
supposed to work.  Sorry I can't be of more specific help, but it was a long
time ago when I had this type of problem.

- Daniel Freiman

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Rafael Faria

>   We have tried many many things, and seem to have narrowed it down to the
> session headers and the cache control. However all most all of the posts and
> notes around the web seem to get this issue arising with HTTPService calls
> that spawn a #2032 streaming error and not what we are seeing. Tracking the
> calls with Charles for instance seems to indicate that the call to the
> gateway is never actually being made. We discounted any crossdomain issues
> (the webroot and the gateway are on different servers) as the sandbox
> violation errors did not appear at all.
> So if anyone out there can shed some light on this we would be most
> appreciative. Or conversely if you can get every person in the world to
> upgrade their browsers beyond IE6 that would be awesome too.
> bubbles = false
> cancelable = true
> currentTarget = (null)
> eventPhase = 2
> fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#1
> content = (Object)#2
> errorID = 0
> faultCode = "Client.Error.MessageSend"
> faultDetail = "Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed:
> HTTP: Failed: url: ''"
> faultString = "Send failed"
> message = "faultCode:Client.Error.MessageSend faultString:'Send failed'
> faultDetail:'Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP:
> Failed: url: '''"
> name = "Error"
> rootCause = (
> bubbles = false
> cancelable = false
> channel = (mx.messaging.channels::SecureAMFChannel)#4
> PLEASE, help me... the whole application i'm working on depend on that.
> Thanks
> Rafael


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