On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Josh McDonald <j...@joshmcdonald.info>wrote:

>  I re-read the original post, and it makes sense. I always use change
> events rather than bindings on the way back from components, which is what
> I'd recommend rather than two-way bindings.
Yes that is what I was trying to give as an answer to the origional post. I
know it wasn't much specific help but rather than asking a question myself.
I was trying to convay that I had reached the conclusion that the change
event was better.

> I'm interested to see how the SDK team handles this with the bidirectional
> binding feature in 4.

I'm sure it will be fine. Its a common model. I wonder if it will break
backwards compatiblity for any one that depends on it working the way it
currently does?



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