I found resolution, sorry for all my typos too :)

For someone else with the same issue, in the data-management.xml:
        <sql>INSERT INTO tracking(visits, description, created) VALUES 
(#visits#, #description#, #created#)</sql>
        <id-query>SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()</id-query> <!-- MySQL syntax to 
retrieve value of autoincremented column -->    

The <id-query>SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()</id-query> solved issue.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "wayne_badu_johnson" <wayne.a.john...@...> 
> Hi all
> I am having some issues with createItem, oddly enough when I attempt to 
> create a second item, the first createItem works fine and pushes data. I have 
> seen a couple posts around this but no resolution.
> Flex 3
> Using lcds 2.6.1
> The FaultResult:
> Local.Call.Failed
> faultString = "Item with id 'tracking.hibernate#:#0' already exists.  Error 
> on destination 'tracking.hibernate'"
> I would assume that I would have to hadnle any id as the first record is 
> written correctly and auto-increment setup in table is all functioning as 
> expected. It looks like some reference is being tripped up when the second 
> attempt to create a new record is call. I have tried releasing/refreshing 
> fill etc but no go.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Cheers
> Wayne
> Some snippets that I hope make sense:
> <!-- Tracking.as -->
> package  {
> [Managed]
> [RemoteClass]
> public class Tracking {
>     public function Tracking() {}                     
>     public var trackid:int;
>     public var description:String="";
>     public var visits:String="";
>     public var created:Date;
>    }
> }
> <!-- MXML/AS -->
> /** Call to create item */
> tracking = new Tracking();
> tracking.description = StringUtil.trim(descriptionInput.text);
> tracking.visits = StringUtil.trim(visitsInput.text);
> tracking.created = new Date();
> var ir:ItemReference = hibernateUsers.createItem(tracking);
> var token:AsyncToken = hibernateUsers.commit();
> <-- data-management.xml destination config -->
> <destination id="tracking.hibernate">
>       <properties>
>               <use-transactions>true</use-transactions>
>               <source>flex.data.assemblers.SQLAssembler</source>
>               <scope>application</scope>
>               <metadata>
>                       <identity property="trackid"/>
>               </metadata>
>               <network>
>                       <session-timeout>20</session-timeout>
>                       <paging enabled="false" pageSize="20"/>
>                       <throttle-inbound policy="IGNORE" max-frequency="50"/>
>                       <throttle-outbound policy="IGNORE" max-frequency="500"/>
>               </network>
>               <server>
>                       <database>
> <driver-class>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</driver-class>
>                               <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/xxxxxxdb</url>
>                               <username>xxxx</username>
>                               <password>xxxx</password>
>                               <login-timeout>30</login-timeout>
>                       </database>
>                       <fill>
>                               <name>all</name>
>                               <sql>SELECT * FROM tracking</sql>
>                       </fill>
>                       <get-item>
>                               <sql>SELECT * FROM tracking WHERE trackid = 
> #trackid#</sql>
>                       </get-item>
>                       <create-item>
>                               <sql>INSERT INTO tracking
>                                                       (visits, description, 
> created) 
>                                                       VALUES (#visits#, 
> #description#, #created#)</sql>
>                       </create-item>
>                       <update-item>
>                               <sql>UPDATE tracking SET visits=#visits#, 
> description=#description#, created=#created# 
>                                                       WHERE 
> trackid=#_PREV.trackid#</sql>
>                       </update-item>
>                       <delete-item>
>                               <sql>DELETE FROM tracking WHERE 
> trackid=#trackid#</sql>
>                       </delete-item>
>                       <count>
>                               <name>all</name>
>                               <sql>SELECT count(*) FROM tracking</sql>
>                       </count>
>                       <count>
>                               <name>exists</name>
>                               <sql>SELECT count(*) FROM tracking WHERE 
> description = #description#</sql>
>                       </count>
>               </server>
>       </properties>
> </destination>

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