I've been playing around with validators and seem to have encountered a behavior which is unexpected.  Here's a sample of what I'm doing:
<mx:Model id="paymentInformationModel">
    <usepurchaseorder>{ usePurchaseOrder.selected }</usepurchaseorder>
    <purchaseordernumber>{ purchaseOrderNumber.text }</purchaseordernumber>
<mx:StringValidator field="paymentInformationModel.purchaseordernumber" required="{usePurchaseOrder.selected}" />
<mx:Form width="100%">
    <mx:FormHeading label="Purchase Order" />
    <mx:FormItem label="Pay using purchase order" required="false">
        <mx:CheckBox id="usePurchaseOrder" label=""/>
    <mx:FormItem label="Purchase Order Number" required="{usePurchaseOrder.selected}"
        <mx:TextInput id="purchaseOrderNumber" width="100" maxChars="50" />
(This is modified from the Cairngorm store and uses the Validator.isStructureValid call in the same way.)
This displays correctly -- the user clicks the checkbox to use a purchase order and the field becomes enabled and displays an asterisk beside it.  But if the user leaves it unchecked, then upon submitting the form it still thinks the field is required.  The telling part is that if I change the StringValidator to have required="false" instead of required="{usePurchaseOrder.selected}" then it correctly sees it as not required.
What am I missing here?

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