Is it difficult to move to graniteds if blazeDS is already utilised?  I'd
really like to generate my remote objects (both ways) if this is possible
then I'd like to switch but we are currently nearing the end of our
development cycle and I can't afford to change technology if it mean
rewriting substancal parts of our application.

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Pedro Sena <> wrote:

> Regards
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Ivan Bojer <> wrote:
>>   Is anyone using any Java bean to action script class converter,
>> preferably with ANT integration? There are few out there but they are
>> either not being maintained or do not have ANT integration.
> --
> /**
> * Pedro Sena
> * Systems Architect
> * Sun Certified Java Programmer
> * Sun Certified Web Component Developer
> */

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