Hi all,
I'm facing a weird problem. I'm using ExternalInterface.addCallback for 
interaction between Javascript and my flex application. When I compile this 
'.as' file in my Eclipse environment, everything works fine and when I deploy 
it also, things work fine and I can call my actionscript methods from 
javascript. But when I try to create an
'swc' file out of this '.as' file from command prompt, I get the following 

C:\temp\output\flexsrc\com\test\MyTest.as(10): col: 20 Error: Call to a 
possibly undefined method addCallBack through a reference with static type 

ExternalInterface.addCallBack("myMethod", TestClass.testMethod);

Here's the command I'm using to create the swc file:

"%FLEX_HOME%\bin\compc" -source-path+=%SRCPATH%\output\flexsrc 
-output=%SRCPATH%\output\MyTest.swc -compiler.debug -include-classes 

Flex home is pointing to the right directory. I also have the method 'call' 
being referenced from ExternalInterface in the same class and that goes through 
fine without throwing any errors:
ExternalInterface.call("showName", sysName);

Any idea why the call for ExternalInterface.addCallBack is not compiling?

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