I'm pulling my hair out trying to ditch the lineSeries dropshadow:

<mx:LineChart id="chart" dataProvider="{graph.itemList}" maxHeight="{width /
2}" maxWidth="{width - 80}" showDataTips="true" filters="{null}">

        <mx:DateTimeAxis displayName="{graph.xLabel}"

        <mx:LinearAxis displayName="{graph.yLabel}" title="{graph.yLabel}"/>

       <mx:LineSeries xField="x" yField="y" lineStroke="{ls}"
lineSegmentRenderer="mx.charts.renderers.LineRenderer" filters="{null}"/>

        <gui1:HighTideMark positionValue="{widget.kpiValue}"


According to all the docs I canfind, using
lineSegmentRenderer="mx.charts.renderers.LineRenderer" should get rid of the
drop shadow under my line series, but... no dice.

Any ideas?

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
  -  j...@joshmcdonald.info
  -  http://twitter.com/sophistifunk
  -  http://flex.joshmcdonald.info/

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