Hi all,

If you've been using the Adobe forums via the web interface recently you
probably saw notices that we're introducing a huge upgrade to the forum
system.  We're combining the user-to-user forums (adobeforums.com) and the
adobe.com forums into a single forum system.  We're going to have some great
features in there like email participation, RSS feeds, moderation supported
by community members (on specific forums, if appropriate), better text entry
support (including some levels of code formatting), and user ratings.  This
has me pretty excited as I think it will be a huge improvement over what we

The forums are going to be down starting on Friday at 3pm PDT so we can
migrate the last 36 months of content over to the new system.  We expect the
new system to come up by Monday.  Once they're up I hope folks will check
things out and become active participants.  I'll be curious to see what you
think, I'm hoping we might even look into combining some of our separated
forums under the system if it can meet folks' usability needs.

So stay tuned!

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