Not sure if this is a component issue or RSL issue but anyway...

I have a actionscript custom component class, this component defines some new 
inheriting styles using metadata tags and creates a class default style 
function which sets the value of those styles and others during class 

When compiled into the main application this functioned as expected, in that a 
child of the custom component "inherited" these new styles.

However now we are compiling this component with many others into an RSL which 
is then used by the main application.

Since doing this the child of the custom component no longer "inherits" the new 

When we checked the reason for this we found that registerInheritingStyles 
never gets called on the main applications StyleManagerImpl for this custom 
class's new inheriting styles.

Is this a known issue? 

I have worked round it by explicitly calling registerInheritingStyles in the 
class initialisation for the above but I shouldnt have to I think.

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