I normally use a function like...

             private function resetFormItems():void
                 var formChildren:Array = jobRequest.getChildren();
                 for each(var theFormItem:FormItem in formChildren)
                     (theFormItem.getChildAt(0) as TextInput).text = "";

This way I don't need to worry about adding new form items to the clear



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "smccran" <s_mcc...@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a standard flex form, and I want to do a simple 'reset'
> At the moment I would simply set each field value as blank like this:
>   private function clear():void
>   {
>    nameField.text = "";
>    tel.text = "";
>    email.text = "";
>   }
>  <mx:Form x="10" y="105" id="jobRequest">
>    <mx:FormItem label="Name" required="true">
>     <mx:TextInput id="nameField"/>
>    </mx:FormItem>
>    <mx:FormItem label="Tel" required="true">
>     <mx:TextInput id="tel"/>
>    </mx:FormItem>
>    <mx:FormItem label="Email" required="true">
>     <mx:TextInput id="email"/>
>    </mx:FormItem>
> Is there a better way of doing this? Or a way I can just say
jobRequest.reset? where 'jobRequest' is the form name.
> Thanks
> Shaun

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