Thanks Gregor Kiddie,

> Sounds like one of your DLLs is roughly equivalent to a module in terms
> of what you want to deliver.
> Just remember that each Flex module is based off a single mx::Module, so
> if you want to package up several forms in a single module, you'll need
> to load the module and then swap the forms on that view. Say using a
> Viewstack.
True, We load DLL with loadDLL Api call then create the form by
calling a function in that DLL.
> Sorry though, I don't know Delphi, so I have no idea what TForm does, or
> what SP is (Server Process?)

Well no problem. TForm is a container Class like Panel(the closest equivalent 
in Flex to best of my knowledge) which has caption, min, 
max, close buttons in caption area and which can have visual controls
may be bound to datasource or plain ones, it has open, close, keypress
etc. etc. events. Well delphi is much similar to flex conceptually
so for us it took very less time to understand Flex. But it has much
stronger visual designer and IDE. But Flex requires much less code
compared to delphi.

Suppose if I create few panels with few controls in a single src file
and put them in a module how can I create one of those panel and put
as a child to main forms Canvas or similar container and free it as
soon as the panel is closed. For loading module we got some material
to read. The loading module, creating panel and adding as child to
canvas we want to perform when a menuitem is clicked.

Hope u extend ur help in this regard. Somehow learning resources
we have does not have this type of information, or otherwise
if possible give us links for similar examples.  

> If you want more module info, I posted a bunch of links on modules onto
> the list recently.
can u give me URLs for those posts or month/year of post so that
searching will be bit easier. Since I am new to this Group I not
that strong in searching messages so i have to adopt straight royal
way of searching i.e. reading page by page.

Thanks and best regards.


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