I am using swfObject to embed my application and running into some
issues when trying to deep link via the BrowserManager class. I am able
to update the URL when needed via setFragment(), however the issue
occurs when the back/forward button is pressed. The application does not
update as expected. This ONLY occurs when using swfObject. If I use the
default HTML generated by Flex, everything works fine. I searched Google
and found that there have been some issues with deep linking when using
swfObject. I tried all suggestions without any luck. Here is the code
that I am using to embed as well as deep link:

     !--  BEGIN Browser History required section -->
     <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='history/history.css' />
     <!--  BEGIN Browser History required section -->
     <script src='history/history.js' language='javascript'></script>
     <!--  END Browser History required section -->

     <script type='text/javascript' src='swfobject.js'></script>
     <script type='text/javascript'>
                 var flashvars = {};
                 var params = {};
                 params.menu = 'false';
                 params.wmode = 'transparent';
                 params.allowscriptaccess = 'sameDomain';
                 var attributes = {};
                 attributes.id = 'AllProperties';
'flashPropertyContent', '770', '400', '9.0.124', 'expressInstall.swf',
flashvars, params, attributes);

                 function loadEventHandler() {

                         BrowserHistory.flexApplication =

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue is appreciated.


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