thanks Tracy Spratt
> Flex does not access any database directly (except maybe SQLServer, via
> native http endpoints)  You must use a server platform for database
> integration.  .Net, php, ColdFusion, java, etc are popular server tier
> platforms.
yes I am aware of that. We plan to use BlazeDS and Spring on database server. 
As of today we have not plunged in details of them since
we are phase of evaluating Flex for a bit big database application.

> Flex communicates primarily via the RPC protocols, HTTPService, WebService,
> and RemoteObject.  It does not care where the data resources are physically
> located.  You will need a crossdomain file on the data server.

Well, Can u mention how a crossdomain file looks like
just for an idea. We are happy to hear that cross domain data 
access is possible since in the rough layout of application 
it needs to post data on two different databases as cross branch

Are there any security threats in using cross domain data access ?

Thanks Once Again and best regards


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